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IB Criterion

IB Scoring

Throughout the three years of MYP at KMS, students should engage with the curriculum and be expected to demonstrate their understanding at increasing levels of sophistication.  The range of assessed skills, techniques, and concepts, as well as the complexity of their application, will increase as students progress through the program.  Students will receive IB Progress Reports twice per year starting in the 2019-2020 school year; however, teachers will begin scoring using IB objectives during quarter 3 of 2018-2019 school year. 

Students in an IB program are assessed on subject specific criterion.  There are four objectives (the general category of skill) per subject, and three to four strands (the skills themselves) within each objective.  The strands increase in rigor each year of the program.  All of the objectives and strands will be assessed at least twice per year. 

Please familiarize yourself with the criterion for your student’s grade.  Year 1 is 6th grade, Year 3 is 8th grade.  Year 2, 7th grade combines some of Year 1 and some of Year 3 when creating their IB rubrics. You can access all of the objectives and strands by clicking the links below.

Arts Objectives and Strands

Design Objectives and Strands

Individuals and Societies Objectives and Strands

Language Acquisition Objectives and Strands

Language and Literature Objectives and Strands

Mathematics Objectives and Strands

PE and Health Objectives and Strands

Sciences Objectives and Strands